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  • Emmer Wheat Flour
  • Emmer Wheat Flour
  • Emmer Wheat Flour
  • Emmer Wheat Flour
  • Emmer Wheat Flour

Emmer Wheat Flour


First recorded history of cultivated Triticum Dicoccum dates back to 3000BC during the time of the third dynasty in the old kingdom of Egypt. They used it to make bread and beer. 


Commonly known as Khapli in India and primarily grown in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, this wheat sub-species has 7 varieties in India. 


MACS-2971 is one of the varieties developed and released by Agharkar Research Institute, Pune. It has a higher level of dietary fiber and protein, along with a very low glycaemic index, which plays a crucial role in maintaining gut health. It has been classified as a health food by the FDA.


It is a perfect wheat for people suffering from gluten sensitivity.




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