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2 min read
PAU develops PBW-RS1 Wheat Variety to tackle type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases
PAU develops PBW-RS1 while shifting from “quantity” to “quality” and from “food security” to “nutritional security in its research focus.

11 min read
Marquis: The most famous wheat variety of the 20th century
Marquis, a hard red spring wheat is one of the highest quality bread wheats of all time and made Canada world's greatest exporter in 1900s.

3 min read
Spelt : An ancient wheat's journey through time
Spelt wheat is an ancient wheat (grain) with a rich history and a complex genetic background that makes it stand out in the world of...

5 min read
Balancing the Scales: The Specifics of Ancient and Modern Wheat
The choice between ancient and modern wheat depends on individual dietary needs, taste preferences, and ethical considerations.

2 min read
Learning to Use Whole Grain Flour: Workshops and Consultation
Three One Farms has partnered with Keith Goyden, Founder at Pão Bakery, for its whole grain flour workshops and consultations.

3 min read
Considerations for Sourdough Bread with Roller Milled Flour
Sourdough made from roller-milled refined flour is generally high in GI due to its high carbohydrate and the lack of fiber and nutrients.

5 min read
Stone Milling: From Grains to Flour
Stone milling has been used for centuries to grind grains into flour. It preserves the nutrient-rich germ and bran of the grain.

2 min read
The effects of climate change on wheat evolution
Climate change is expected to have a significant impact on wheat cultivation, with changes in temperature and precipitation patterns.

2 min read
Impediments to developing a supply chain for specialty wheat in India
Indian wheat economy is beset by a broken and opaque supply chain, which presents a formidable array of challenges to all the stakeholders.

7 min read
Specialty Wheat Glossary - Plant
Understanding the morphological characteristics of wheat can also aid in identifying and differentiating between different wheat varieties.

4 min read
Importance of studying the lifecycle of a wheat plant
Studying the lifecycle of a wheat plant can provide a deeper understanding of this important crop.

5 min read
Soil: A scientific way of understanding the earth at our farms
The noun soil is derived through old French from the Latin solum, which means floor or ground.

4 min read
Specialty Wheat Glossary - Gluten
Gluten protein represents ∼85% of the wheat proteins and is made up of a complex mixture of proteins.

5 min read
Biochemistry of flavours in a sourdough bread
Among the different parameters that define bread quality, flavour is one of the most appreciated sensory attributes .

5 min read
History and science of roller milling wheat kernels
In the history of wheat consumption, roller milling is a fairly new technology, yet it has altered the landscape like none other.

7 min read
Rye: A grain from the past for the future
Rye is highly relevant in human nutrition and agriculturally given the extreme climate variability faced by farmers globally.

5 min read
Baking with industrial flour: Are you doing justice to the 'SOURDOUGH'?
Industrial wheat flour is bleached and heavily treated with chemicals. Can sourdough made from such flour provide any flavour or nutrition?

3 min read
Bran: A deeper look into the layers of wheat
Wheat bran has positive nutritional, mechanical and antioxidant effects on human body and also acts a prebiotic for optimal gut health.

4 min read
Specialty Wheat - Categories and Definitions
There are the categories which are more historical, structural and functional in their description of different specialty wheat varieties.

2 min read
Know all about 'Project SOM'
If there is something that's keeping farmers up all night across the globe, it is the adverse effects of Climate Change. For the longest...
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