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2 min read
PAU develops PBW-RS1 Wheat Variety to tackle type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases
PAU develops PBW-RS1 while shifting from “quantity” to “quality” and from “food security” to “nutritional security in its research focus.

3 min read
Spelt : An ancient wheat's journey through time
Spelt wheat is an ancient wheat (grain) with a rich history and a complex genetic background that makes it stand out in the world of...

2 min read
Learning to Use Whole Grain Flour: Workshops and Consultation
Three One Farms has partnered with Keith Goyden, Founder at Pão Bakery, for its whole grain flour workshops and consultations.

3 min read
Considerations for Sourdough Bread with Roller Milled Flour
Sourdough made from roller-milled refined flour is generally high in GI due to its high carbohydrate and the lack of fiber and nutrients.

4 min read
Specialty Wheat Glossary - Gluten
Gluten protein represents ∼85% of the wheat proteins and is made up of a complex mixture of proteins.

5 min read
History and science of roller milling wheat kernels
In the history of wheat consumption, roller milling is a fairly new technology, yet it has altered the landscape like none other.

7 min read
Rye: A grain from the past for the future
Rye is highly relevant in human nutrition and agriculturally given the extreme climate variability faced by farmers globally.

3 min read
Bran: A deeper look into the layers of wheat
Wheat bran has positive nutritional, mechanical and antioxidant effects on human body and also acts a prebiotic for optimal gut health.

4 min read
4 rheology terms you must know to understand specialty wheat flour
The four fundamentals terms for understanding specialty wheat flour across multiple countries around the world.
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